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it is a common knowledge that since the invitation of internet, the entire world has not  been the same again. Information technology has reduced the world to a "global village"

Information technology makes it possible for someone in Australia to conveniently send a message to somebody in Japan or any part of the word and such messages are received within a seconds at a very reduced cost.
History Of internet Technology
The invention of internet cannot possible be credited to a particular person. it is a universally accepted belief that no single individual invented the internet, rather the invention or development of the internet technology was made possible by collective efforts of various scientists, researches, students etc.

It is pertinent at this juncture to mention the contributions of the following notable persons in the development of internet.

Leonard Kleinrock
Leonard Klein rock was a lecturer at Massachusettes Institute of Technology, who in 1961, published the first paper on packet switching. This technology was capable of breaking up data into bits to make it possible for it to travel through a computer network. this was to allow more than one user to send text messages over computer network at the same time. This singular effort by Leonard was a watershed on the development of the internet Technology.

J.C.R Licklider
Licklider was a member of the United State Institute of Intelligence, who in 1962 developed "Galactic Network" The beauty of this invention was a global collection of computers in a large network.
As a result of this effort Licklider was compensated by the United State Military Authorities. He became the head of Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (APRA)
The Combination of Kleinrock's invention and that of Lickliner resulted in a huge information technology success. Therefore in 1969, there was Defence Advanced Project Agency Network - ARPA net.

Ray Tomlinson of ARPA Net was the first person to develop a Send and Receive electronic mail (e-mail) message technology in 1972. This invention add a new dimension to the internet technology.

Larry Roberts was the one who wrote a software know as e-mail handler. it is interesting to mention here that the list of the people who contributed to the development of the internet technology is endless.

The first public use of email was in 1976, when Queen Elizabeth 11 of England send a text message to the president of the United State of America (USA).

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