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Computer organizations are those organizations set up by individuals or governments, to render services to the public and the computer users, In Nigeria Organizations include: Computer professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPRON). Computer Users Association of Nigeria (CUAN). Computer Association of Nigeria (COBAN) ETC.


  1. they engage in the business of purchasing and sale of computers.
  2. they are also involved in the importation of computers into the country.
  3. They stock and sell computer stationery.
  4. Most of the computer organizations involved in the training of computer personnel.
  5. They engaged in maintenance and repairs of computers for users.

Computer personnel are people who have acquired knowledge in the field of computer as computer managers. programmers, engineers, educationist and operators.

Computer Managers: Computer mangers are  individuals who have acquired computer training and are highly acquainted with the operations of different types of computers they are involved in the coordination of the activities of other computer personnel to ensure the operation and efficient management of the computer industry.

Computer Programmers: These are the computer personnel whose job is to write computer programs. Computer programs may be described as a list of instructions that a computer require to enable it perform a particular task.

System Analyst: These are computer personnel that use computer to plan, improve and co-ordinate the activities of their business or industrial operations.

Computer Engineers: They are computer personnel, who are in charge of installation, maintenance and repairs of computer.

Computer Operators: they are computer personnel who operate the computer, preparing reports, drawing, designing and creating documents.

Computer Educators: These are the computer Personnel who are involved in the education and training of computer users and other individuals who want to become computer literates.

the use and application of computers cut across almost every field of human endeavor nevertheless, computers are most frequently used by some of the professionals listed below:
Doctors: Doctors can use computer to keep medical records of their patients. Computer can also be used to monitor some organs of the body such as hearts and lungs and for diagnosing sickness.

Lawyers: Computers have proved very useful in keeping legal records, Lawyers can easily store information concerning their clients and cases in computers.

Bankers: Bankers can used computer to solve their accounting problems such as preparation of balance sheets using excel this provides better customer services and also for counting money and fast operation.

Teachers: Computer has aided teaching as it has been widely used in the educational environment. Teachers can improve their method of  teaching through the used of computer. Thus there is computer aided instruction (CAI)

Manager: Managers of various firms and industries can use computer in their manufacturing processes. The use of computer in the manufacturing sector is know as computer aided manufacturing (CAM).
Engineers: in the construction, civil, mechanical and other engineering undertaking, engineers have made use of computer to solve most of their engineering problems

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